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by Gary Khan

Reviewed by Dr. Bond

Steroid substances for gaining muscle mass

The mechanism of action of anabolic substances for gaining muscle mass is not yet fully researched.

It is reliably known that the intake of testosterone leads to an increase in muscle mass due to the stimulation of hypertrophy of muscle fibers of type 1 and 2; however, their absolute number does not increase, nor does the relative ratio of cells of both types 3 change .

(Muscle fibers of type 1 are slow, thin, weak, are responsible for endurance; muscle fibers of type 2 are fast, thick, strong, and are responsible for strength.)

The mechanism of action of steroid substances:

1 The number of satellite cells increases , which contributes to hypertrophy of muscle fibers.

Satellite cells are directly involved in the process of muscle growth: they begin to divide in response to physical activity and micro damage. Accordingly, the more of them - the stronger muscle growth.

2 Steroids stimulate the growth of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).

HGH is another powerful hormone responsible for muscle growth. Along with steroids and insulin, it is included in the first-aid kit of almost every pro.

According to one study, testosterone increases the maximum strength and power of the legs, but does not affect muscle fatigue when performing exercises.

3 Improves muscle oxygen supply.

Testosterone promotes the synthesis of mitochondria and leads to an improved supply of oxygen to muscles, by increasing the number of red blood cells and stimulating the growth of the capillary network.

Testosterone (steroids) improves oxygen supply to muscles.

4 Testosterone / steroids improves the transmission of nerve impulses in muscles .

This study was the basis for speculation, the essence of which is that testosterone reduces the reaction time, and therefore it can be useful in sports that require a quick reaction (sprint, for example) or where a high degree of coordination of eye and hand interaction is required (baseball, for example) .

Obviously, this was done in order to "grow on the needle" and representatives of these non-power sports.

5 Taking steroids affects mood and motivation, which are indirectly related to sports performance.

The mechanism of action of steroids is to increase the concentration of satellite auxiliary cells, which are involved in hypertrophy of muscle fibers, improving the circulation of growth hormone, oxygen supply and transmission of nerve impulses in muscles.

Top Steroids substances for Cutting


One of the safest anabolic steroids. The advantages and distinctive features of are mild anabolic effects, low toxicity and low androgenic effect. Oxandrolone in recommended doses practically does not disrupt the axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes, does not require the use of anti-estrogens and PCT.


A popular steroid that is used only during cutting. It is not recommended to use Stanozolol for weight gain, since, despite the fact that this steroid has the ability to accelerate protein synthesis, it does not have a pronounced effect on muscle mass. Stanozolol can be considered a cheap replacement for Oxandrolone. Stanozolol is toxic to the liver. It should be noted that the tablet form of the steroid is less effective, at the same time more toxic, so it is better to use the injection form. Stanozolol increases power performance and enhances venous proliferation .

Testosterone Propionate

One of the testosterone esters, used mainly for cutting. Among the shortcomings - the need for frequent injections, as well as their pain.

Trenbolone esters

High affinity for androgen receptors, as well as the ability to increase the level of insulin-like growth factor allows using Trenbolone not only as an anabolic agent for gaining muscle mass, but also burning fat.

Drostanolone esters

Anabolic steroid with a pronounced androgenic effect, therefore, quite often causes side effects. Used to obtain the shredded look before the competition. Masteron is similar in properties to dihydrotestosterone , contributes to muscle tightening due to the diuretic effect. Fans of this steroid are not recommended for lovers.

Substance forms

Athletes and lovers take steroids orally, rubbing into the skin or by intramuscular injection. The most popular of these is injectable substances.

Substances for Oral steroids have a very short period of dissolution, they are taken daily; injectable steroids are usually administered once a week or two and they are most effective.

Recently, there have also appeared steroids in the form of gels for rubbing into the skin, but they are very, very NOT effective , because with their help it is very difficult to deliver the right amount of testosterone into the body.

They are sometimes recommended on a cycle of steroids for a set of muscle mass (which are injected in the form of injections and tablets) in order to ensure a constant supply of testosterone in the body in small doses.

The most popular method of administering steroids is injections, oral medications and gels are very ineffective: the former disintegrate very quickly, the latter enter very poorly.