Turinabol for sale

There are 8 products of Turinabol

  • Oral-Turinabol 10mg 100 tabs
    Oral-Turinabol 10mg 100 tabs

    4-chloro-substituted derivative of metandienone (dehydromethyltestosterone).

  • Zhengzhou Turinabol 10mg 100 tabs
    Zhengzhou Turinabol 10mg 100 tabs

    Benefits include tighter muscles, strength, greater lean muscle mass, greater level of free testosterone.

  • Golden Dragon Turhoged 10mg 100tabs
    Euro Prime Turhoged 10mg 100tabs
    3 Review(s)

    More and more european bodybuilders begin to be interested in steroids.

  • Golden Dragon Turhoged 10mg 50tabs
    Euro Prime Turhoged 10mg 50tabs
    3 Review(s)

    Turhoged has an amazingly low androgenic rating.

  • Vermodje Turinover 100 tabs
    Vermodje Turinover 100 tabs
    6 Review(s)

    Powerful turinabol inside (derivative of Methandienone)

  • Vermodje Turinover 25 tabs
    Vermodje Turinover 25 tabs
    1 Review(s)

  • Radjay Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone 100 tabs
    Radjay Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone 100 tabs
    2 Review(s)

    Turinabol has remained the best choice for both bodybuilders and top athletes.

  • Radjay Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone 50 tabs

by Gary Khan

Reviewed by Dr. Bond

Last updated on .

Turinabol products for sale in our store

A modern and well-established steroid called Turanabol is Metandienon's younger brother.

In terms of chemistry, it differs from all known "Metandienone" differs from the presence of another chlorine atom, located on the fourth carbon atom. The steroid appeared in Germany back in the 60s. On the pharmaceutical market, it can be found under the trade names Turinover, Tbol, Turamoth.

Initially, it was used to increase the physical strength and speed of athletes. When it proved its effectiveness in practice, this product began to use both law enforcers and other athletes.


Buying Turinabol (oral-turinabol) today means buying an excellent product with an anabolic effect in the amount of 180% and androgenic at 50% testosterone. The duration of the active functioning of the oral form of the product inside the body is about 16 hours. The steroid has a low level of conversion into estrogens, moderately affects the operation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis, is highly toxic to the liver and can be detected in the blood structure during laboratory tests for up to 250 days. Therefore, protruding athletes cannot "smoke" with it. Turinabol solo cycle is equally useful for professionals, beginners and even women.

The half-life of Turinabol

The half-life of the Turinabol is 16 hours. That is, it is desirable to consum it 1 - 2 times a day. It is better to have the hormonal background at the same level 2 times.

The weekly dosage should be divided into several dosages, depending on whether you intend to take it daily, every other day or even every third day (due to the long half-life period).

Chemical modifications of ultramodern turinabol also provide it with a 16-hour half-life, as well as the ability to communicate with the globulin, the hormone that binds sex hormones, reducing its level by half, so that the effect of anabolic steroids used in the cycle with this product will increase.

Oral Turinabol is 17-alpha alkylirovannym, it allows you to increase its bioavailability in oral administration, but with moderate toxicity to the liver.

Turinabol only cycle dosage

To avoid side effects, it is recommended to use the steroid at a dose of 20 - 40 mg per day. To reduce the load on the liver and balance the hormonal background, experts advise dividing the daily dose into three doses. Professional bodybuilders often take 100 - 159 mg daily after consultation with a doctor. Track and field athletes, skiers and boxers, for whom stamina is necessary, will need 10 - 20 mg. The standard solo cycle lasts no longer than six weeks. To increase muscles, the "tourist" is often combined with testosterone enanthate. In this case, the first steroid is taken 20 mg per day, and the second - 250 mg per week. PCT is carried out with estrogen receptor blockers such as Tamoxifen.

What is turinabol benefits?

So is turinabol legal in Moldova? Yes, it is legal in Moldova. So if you will buy Turinabol steroid is an oral androgenic anabolic steroid, which is essentially a softer form of methandrostenolone, in Moldova it is legal. From a chemical point of view, the difference lies in the additional chlorine atom in the fourth carbon atom. Such a small and not very clear difference, but what a huge difference it makes! Turinabol profile has a relatively strong anabolic activity, which is equal to 180% of testosterone, while androgenic activity is only 50%. For comparison, methane has an anabolic index of 200%, and androgenic as 50%. But the critical difference is not that, but that methane is flavoured, and turinabol is not.

The lack of aromatization on the cycle of this product does not allow to achieve pronounced hypertrophy, but because the steroid does not "pour water", the resulting mass is more rigid, and the phenomenon of rollback is softer. This, by the way, does not mean that the tourist can be taken for "cutting", as a small accumulation of water is still possible. It is a question of "cutting", that is, preparation for the championship, and not about the banal weight loss, which is now called the "cutting". For you to understand, "cutting" is when the muscles on your ass split, not when you can see the abs. This is a fundamentally different physical condition, the process of achieving which differs, as the first and 99 levels in the Tetris. Yes, the principle is the same, yes, to pass level 99, you have to pass level 1, but these are different processes that require various efforts.

Turinabol vs Anavar

Turinabol cycle and Oxandrolone cycle are quite popular among beginners, as they are very effective in solo use. Oxandrolone is considered to be one of the safest steroids, but its cost is quite high.

It should be said that during the first Oxandrolone cycles can be used in small doses and will bring good results. Turinabol dosage is primarily designed for mass collection cycles, and Oxandrolone is more effective for cutting. Today we will talk about Turinabol stack and Oxandrolon solo cycles. Oxandrolone is a very mild androgen and a weak anabolic. Its use in the body does not retain water, and the steroid is not converted into female hormones. At the same time, it is significantly less powerful than almost all AAS. Turinabol - a strong anabolic and quite a weak androgen; however, these indicators are very similar to Methane and Turinabol. But unlike the first, steroid turinabol is not subject to conversion to estradiol.

Detection of Oral-Turinabol Metabolites

The detection time is up to 250 days (long-lived fat-soluble metabolites). Half-life is 16 hours. Weightlifters and powerlifters often use Turinabol for two main reasons: firstly, Turinabol allows you to improve power performance without a noticeable increase in weight, which is very important for athletes seeking to stay in a specific weight category, and secondly, the tourist helps to pass doping control at more or less severe competitions. Used in power sports disciplines this product in combination with various steroids, but most often combined with the test, and the daily dosage of power workers can be called modest, but even the regular rate of 50-70mg of the steroid gives a good result. Athletes always know whether the DC will be held at the upcoming competitions. If a doping test is unavoidable, this product is cancelled approximately 50 days before the start (according to the latest data, chlordegidromethyltestosterone metabolites leave the body after 1.5-2 months after the start of administration).

Turinabol results and reviews

The result of this product use. Reception of the substance can increase the mass by 4-6 kg for this purpose it is necessary to use Turinabol from 4 to 6 weeks. And there is no need to use other steroids during this period. The average dose will help to achieve the desired Turinabol gains effect.

  1. Strength endurance increases.
  1. There is no reaction from the side of steroid hormones.
  1. The level of globulin decreases.
  1. The number of testosterone increases.
  1. The steroid protects the heart (prevents the development of blood clots).

The water in the body during the intake of the substance is not delayed. Taking the steroid gives the result after some time. Progress is gradual, but the result is qualitative.

Review after the first cycle

Reviews after the first cycle of treatment of Turinabol solo show that there are practically no side effects, it is a safe steroid that helps to achieve a good result. Turinabol from Moldovan producers has the most positive feedback. Moldovan companies produce effective steroids at a low price. Reviews allow drawing a conclusion that in the process of taking Turinabol, the result comes gradually: increased speed and endurance, as well as a qualitative increase in muscle mass. The woman who took Turinabol steroids also claims that there are no side effects from the use of the steroid.

People who play sports professionally believe that it is better to take tourist ball in combination with testosterone. If you decide to use this steroid, remember that each organism is individual, based on this, based on their feelings and experience, and calculate the dosage.

Review of our customer: A few months ago, six weeks ago, I was taking turinabol, daily 30mg. The effect of the reception is excellent: muscle mass and endurance have increased significantly. After making the tests, it turned out that testosterone levels had normalized, and before that, it was below average. I gained about 6 kg of weight, the muscles became relief, and there was no adverse reaction from the body.

Turinabol before and after photos

Rare side effects

Turinabol is very good product, but like all steroids, it should not be taken by pregnant women, people who have heart problems, who have problems with kidneys, who have a sick liver.

This product does not have as many side effects as other steroids, but still, they do, most people choose Turinabol because it has the least adverse side effects.

First of all, it is the load on the liver, because this product, like all oral steroids, is attached to the 17th alpha group.

  1. Due to low aromatization, there can be a bad mood and drowsiness on the cycle.
  2. It can reduce the production of its testosterone in the body.
  3. Development of pre-temporal ejaculation.
  4. Temporary testicular atrophy.